
The benefit of underwater treadmill

Dogs or canine, just like people, can develop arthritis as they get older. In fact, an estimated 65% of dogs will develop some form of arthritis in their lifetime. Since your elderly dog has become part of your family, you want to do anything possible to help lessen their pain. However, you cannot talk to a dog and tell them they need to exercise in order to keep agile. Because our friends are in pain, they are more likely to become less active, which exacerbates their arthritis and puts them in greater pain. Medicating them only does so much to help relieve their pain. 

Then what should we do to relieve pain?

SanglePet Dog Water Treadmill


Here are benefit of Sangle Pet dog underwater treadmill as follow:

1).Warm water relaxes muscles and decreases pain

The warm water that veterinarians use with underwater treadmills act like a miniature spa. The heat from the water has a relaxing effect on your aging dog's tired muscles, releasing built-up tension and helping to alleviate some of the pain associated with arthritis. 

2).Water reduces the weight of your dog, making joint movement easier

 Many doctors and physical therapists prescribe aquatic therapy in part because water naturally increases buoyancy, which makes the weight your pet is carrying on their joints lighter. This lighter load makes it easier for arthritic joints to move. An environment in which your dog carries around less weight relieves pain, just as it would for a human. Underwater treadmills are therefore great tools for relieving stress on your dog's joins and muscles, which makes it easier for them to move.

3). Underwater treadmills can strengthen muscles 

 Dogs can grow accustomed to favoring certain limbs due to their arthritis, resulting in a weakened area of the body. The water surrounding your dog during aquatic therapy acts to stabilize them, increasing their balance. Furthermore, due to a lower amount of pain and greater freedom of movement, many dogs greatly increase their range of motion during the exercising process.

4).The rate of exercise can be adjusted for your dog's needs 

 Not all dogs are created equal, and every day is different when dealing with pain management. The use of a treadmill allows your veterinarian to control the rate of exercise for your pooch. This opens the door to many different exercise possibilities, and creates consistency that simply walking your dog on your own cannot compete with. It also provides a metric to measure changes with between visits, so you and your veterinarian can determine how your pet is progressing in their treatment plan. 

5).Using an underwater treadmill can strengthen your dog's confidence

Pain can impact how your pet feels from day to day. One thing people see as their dogs age is a loss of confidence, partially from their inability to move like they used to. You may see an immediate change in your aging dog's attitude when you incorporate an underwater treadmill into their arthritis treatment, especially if they were a very active dog prior to aging and losing much of their capabilities to move. 

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